Hotels Near Indus Hospitals

Below is a list of hotels that are located near the Indus hospitals at various locations. Indus hospitals in no way endorses or recommends these hotels, but offers this list for your convenience. For additional questions, please contact our information center at 01762-512666.
Location Address Phone Number
Derabassi Hotel Saugaat Regency, Shakti Nagar, Ambala Chd highway 01762506406
Derabassi Hotel Blue Sapphire, Ambala Chd highway 01762292519
Derabassi Hotel Paras, Ambala Chd highway 09814643877
Derabassi Hotel Sartaaj, Ambala Chd highway 01762506013
Mohali Hotel Ek Noor Residency, kamla Market, Sector 57 07065111128
Mohali Hotel Tango, Mattaur Road, Sector 70 01724181696
Mohali Hotel The Zenith, Sector 58 09872003700
Mohali Hotel The Zodiac, Sector 59 01724646404
Ambala Hotel Chirag, opp. Mohan Bakery, Old Town 7065111128
Ambala Hotel Malik Regency, Polytechnic Chowk, Patti Mehar 8396999986

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